My personal library

Abramowitz & Stegun "Handbook of Mathematical Functions"
Allen "Astrophysical Quantities"
Arnett "Nucleosynthesis and Supernovae"
Arny, T. "An Introduction to Astronomy" (BASILIO)
Ayres "Differential and Integral Calculus"
Baggot "The meaning of quantum theory"
Bennet et al. "The Cosmic perspective" (BASILIO)
Bernath "Spectra of Atoms and Molecules"
Bevington & Robinson "Data Reduction and error analysis for the physical sciences"
Binney & Tremaine "Galactic dynamics"
Binney & Merrifield "Galactic Astronomy"
Birney et al. "Observational Astronomy"
Blackmore "Conciousness"
Blanco & Phillips "Progress and opportunities in southern hemisphere optical astronomy"
Bludman et al "Supernovae"
Bodenheimer et al. "Numerical Methods in Astrophysics"
Carrol & Ostlie "Modern Astrophysics"
Chambers "Stattistical Modeling in S"
Chandrasekhar "Stellar Structure"
Chandrasekhar "Radiative Transfer"
Claria "Como nacen, porque brillan y cuando mueren las estrellas?"
Clayton "Principles of Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis"
Coles "Cosmology. A very short introduction"
Coles & Lucchin "Cosmology"
Coles & Lucchin "Cosmology 2nd edition"
Combes, Boisse, Mazure, & Blanchard "Galaxies and Cosmology"
Diller "Latex Line by Line"
Dodelson "Modern Cosmology"
Feymman "Fisica Vol I"
Frank, King, & Raine "Accretion Power in Astrophysics"
Freedman "Measuring and modeling the universe"
Fryer "Stellar Collapse"
Gamow "The creation of the Universe"
Gehrke "Fortran 90 Language guide"
Gingerich "The great Copernicus chase"
Grady "Astrobiology"
Gribbin & Rees "Cosmic Coincidences"
Gribbin "Fire on Earth"
Guth "The inflationary Universe"
Gutierrez & Moreno "Astrofisica general"
Hammond "The World Almanac" Hahn "Latex for everyone"
Hansen & Kawaler "Stellar interiors"
Hardle "Smoothing techniques"
Harrison "Cosmology" (NTEJOS)
Hartle "Gravity"
Harwitt "Astrophysical concepts"
Heavens et al. "Statistical challenges in 21st century cosmology" Hecht & Zajac "Optics"
Heeren "Show me God"
Herzberg "Atomic spectra and atomic structure"
Hillebrandt & Leibundgut "From twilight to highlight. The physics of supernovae"
Hoflich, Kumar & Wheeler "Cosmic explosions in three dimensions"
Hoyng "Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology" (NTEJOS)
Huang "Statistical Mechanics"
Icke "The force of symmetry"
Impey et al. "The unfolding universe" (CUCA?)
Imshennik & Nadezhin "Supernova 1987A"
Jackson "Classical Electrodynamics"
Jenkins & White "Fundamentals of optics"
Jobin Yvon "Guide for spectroscopy"
Keenan, Pinto & Alvarez "The Chilean National Astronomical Observatory (1852-1965)"
Kippenhahn & Weigert "Stellar Structure and evolution"
Kitchin "Astrophysical techniques"
Kittel etal "Mecanica vol 1"
Kittel & Kroemer "Thermal physics"
Kolb & Turner "The early universe"
Krauss "Quintessence"
Landau & Lifshitz "Statistical Physics"
Landau & Lifshitz "Fluid mechanics"
Landau & Lifshitz "Mechanics"
Leglu "Supernova"
Lay "Linear Algebra and its Applications"
Liddle & Lyth "Cosmological Inflation and Large Scale Structure"
Liddle "An introduction to modern cosmology"
Lidsey "The Bigger Bang"
Lipschutz "Linear Algebra"
Livio "The accelerating Universe"
Lliffe "Newton"
Longair "Galaxy Formation"
Longair "The Cosmic Century"
"LSST Science Book"
Madsen "The Jewel on the Mountaintop"
Mandl "Fisica estadistica"
Marcaide & Weiler "Cosmic Explosions"
Maza "Astronomia contemporanea"
Mennickent "Estrellas que cambian su brillo en el tiempo"
McQuarrie "Statistical Mechanics"
Minniti & Paolantonio "Cordoba Estelar. Historia del Observatorio Nacional Argentino"
Narlikar "Introduction to cosmology"
Narlikar "Introduction to cosmology (Third Edition)"
(NICOLAS) Osterbrock "Astrophysics of gaseous nebulae and active galactic nuclei"
Panek "The 4% Universe"
Peacock & Schneider "ESA-ESO Working Groups -- Fundamental Cosmology"
Peebles "Principles of physical cosmology"
Points & Kunder "Fifty years of wide field studies in the southern hemisphere" Press etal "Numerical Recipes in Fortran"
Ribicky & Lightman "Radiative processes in astrophysics"
Rieke "Detection of light: from the UV to the submillimeter"
Rowan-Robinson "Cosmology"
Ruiz-Lapuente, Canal, & Isern "Thermonuclear supernovae"
Ryden "Introduction to cosmology"
Sagan & ..., "Comet"
Sandage, Kron, & Longair "The Deep Universe"
Scheffler & Elsasser "Physics of the Galaxy and interstellar matter"
Schroeder "Astronomical Optics"
Schutz "A first course in general relativity"
Schwarzschild "Structure and evolution of the stars"
Shapiro & Teukolsky "Black holes, white dwarfs, and neutron stars"
Shore "An introduction to astrophysical hydrodynamics"
Shu "The physical universe"
Smith "Observational astrophysics"
Sobel & Andrews "Longitude" Sobel "Galileo's Daughter" Spiegel "Mathematical Handbook"
Spitzer "Physical Processes in the Interstellar Medium"
Strikwerda "Finite difference schemes and partial differential equations"
Turatto et al. "1604-2004. Supernovae as cosmological lighthouses"
Verschuur & Kellermann "Galactic and extragalactic radio astronomy"
Vetterling et al "Numerical Recipes. Example Book [fortran]"
Voit "HST New views of the Universe"
Walker, Parrington,& Feiber "Nuclides and Isotopes"
Webster "Dictionary and Thesaurus"
Webster "Spanish Dictionary"
Weinberg "Gravitation and cosmology"
Weinberg "The first three minutes"
Welsh & Kaufman "Running Linux"
Wheeler "Gravity and spacetime"
Woosley "Supernovae"