C100/CCD Observing Procedures
1. Accessing Data Acquisition Computer (Canopus)
- Username: obs100
- Password: check with the staff
- Open an xterm window
- cd /export/data1/obs100/ccd_data/mario/
- mkdir 20020914_15 (e.g.)
- cd 20020914_15
2. Start Detector Control Window
- Select TEK5
- Select CURTAIN
3. Dome Flats
- Turn OFF platform lights
- Turn ON quartz light and adjust voltage
- Set Gain=3
- Set exptime, Imtype=flat, Loop=7, and take a sequence of flat frames
- When the sequence of flats is complete turn OFF quartz lamp
- Set exptime=0, Imtype=zero, Loop=10, and take a sequence of bias frames
4. Telescope Pointing
- Point to a bright star
- Take direct image
- Compute telescope offset to place star near CCD center at (920,475)
- Ask the NA to update the ZP of the telescope
5. Telescope Focus
- Point to a bright star
- In CCD window set Loop=7, set filter=V, Exptime=10, and use FOCUS (not START) command
- Imexamine the image (best focus is ~4580)
6. Observing
- Changing the gain during the night is not recommended since it's easy to forget to reset it.
- Set Imtype=object
7. Before going to bed
- After finishing the darks turn OFF monitors in control room