C100/WIRC Observing Procedures
1. Starting Data Reductions Computer (Rigel)
- Username: wfirc
- Password: check label on the screen
- Open an xterm window
- cd /export/data1/wfirc/
- mkdir 20020914_15 (e.g.)
- cd 20020914_15
- Start IRAF
- Load wfirc_obs package
- Open XImtool
2. Start Data Acquisition Computer (Arachne)
- Username: wfirc
- Password: check label on the screen
- Open Database Initialization Window by clicking on Camera icon
- Check that everything is ON LINE and click OK
- When Camera Control Window appears on the screen go to Modules and start
- Telegui
- Display
- Guider (only when it is dark)
- Dichroic
- Temperature Controller
- Thermometers
- Turn ON the heater in Temperature Contr (should be 258 K)
- Check Temperatures (CH-8 is important and should be between 75-80 K; Likewise CH-6 and CH-7 should be between 220-229 K)
- In Camera Control Window set readmode to double
- Enter datapath in Options Menu (\\RIGEL\data1\wfirc\20020914_15) and click OK
- In Telescope Control Window open SkyMap (under File)
- In Telescope Control Window open Airmass (under File)
- Go to platform when it is dark, open Camera shutter, turn ON TV Guider, and make sure all 3 buttons are set to AUTO
- Open Guider from Camera Control (under modules)
3. Telescope Pointing
- Point telescope to bright star
- In Telescope Control Window set equinox to today
- Set dx=192, dy=192 and click NE to send star to Chip 2
- Set Filter=Js, ExpTime=3, and click GO
- Display image, get (x,y) coordinates of star
- Enter dx and dy values in Telescope Control Window and offset telescope accordingly to bring star to frame center
- Set dx=192, dy=192 and click SW to bring star to center
- Ask NA to do a CSET
- Click GET
- In Telescope Control Window set equinox to 2000.0.
- Ask the NA to set the equinox to 2000.0 in console
4. Guider Pointing
- Go to Dichroic-Control Window, left-click on a star followed by "MOVE". This should move the guider to that star
and hopefully you will see the star in the Guider Window
- If you do not see the star you can search for it using the East, West, South, buttons in Dichroic Control Window
- Once the star appears in the Guider window, left-click on "Center Star" and left-click on the star to
bring it to the center of the box
- Once star is centered, click File, choose RESET, which centers the box at the center of the Guider frame
5. Telescope Focus
- Pick standard star (V~12) from coordinate file (ir_standards.objects), highlight coordinates and click SEND TO
- Set equinox to 2000 in Telescope Control Window
- In Telescope Control Window, click NE to send star to Chip 2
- Use paddle to set Focus to 4770
- Set ExpTime=10, Chip=2, ObjType=test, and click GO
- In Rigel display image and measure stellar profile
- Lower focus by 10 units, take a new frame, and measure stellar profile
- When you find best value ask NA to do FSET (the actual value in green and the model value in black should be the same)
- In Dichroic window click on bright star
- Ask the NA to move micrometer back and forth. You must visually inspect the focus in Guider Window
6.1 Observing Galaxies
- Set Macro=pmc2_1_9 in Camera Control Window, ObjType=astro, Object="Field name", Chip=All
- Set equinox to 2000 in Telescope Control Window
- In Telescope Control Window, open ObjectList Window by clicking File, selecting 'lcir_sept00.objects', and clicking Open
- In ObjectList Window highlight target name, click Preview to check airmass, and click SendTo
- Ask NA to slew telescope
- Check that telescope coordinates match requested ccordinates
- In Telescope Control Window click Zero before starting the loop and select dx=190 and dy=190
- Do not apply offsets for first position
- In Dichroic Window pick guiding star between 13-14th magnitude, not too close to the edge, and click Move
- In Guider Window click Center Star, and click on the star to bring it to the center of the box
- In Camera Control Window select Filter, ExpTime and Loops according to
- Jc=120sec, Loops=1
- Hc=100sec, Loops=1
- Ks=35-45sec, Loops=3 (make sure counts are below 30000 ADUs)
- You need to apply telescope offset
- In Camera Control Window click EXECUTE to begin exposure
- Once loop is over, click N in Telescope Control Window, find guiding star, and EXECUTE.
- Repeat the previous step after offseting telescope to the West
- Repeat the previous step after offseting telescope to the South
- Repeat the previous step after offseting telescope to the East to bring telescope to initial position
6.2 Observing Supernovae
- Type in RA and DEC in Telescope Control Window, Equinox=2000, and click Send
- Ask NA to slew telescope
- In Camera Control Window, set ObjType=astro, Object="SN2002xx", Chip=All
- In Camera Control Window, select Filter and ExpTime according to
- Jc<120sec
- Hc<100sec
- Ks<35-45sec (make sure counts are below 30000 ADUs)
- In Camera Control Window, set Macro to:
- pmc2_1_9 for faint SNe (9 dither positions)
- pmc2_1_5 for bright SNe (5 dither positions)
- In Camera Control Window, set Loop to 1-3, depending on total exposure time required
- In Telescope Control Window click Zero before starting the loop and select dx=192 and dy=192
- In Telescope Control Window click NE to move object to Chip 2
- In Dichroic Window pick guiding star between 13-14th magnitude, not too close to the edge, and click Move
- In Guider Window click Center Star, and left-click on "Center Star" and left-click on the star to bring it to the center of the box
- In Camera Control Window click EXECUTE to begin exposure
- Once loop is over, click W followed by W in Telescope Control Window to bring object to Chip 3, find guiding star, and EXECUTE.
- Total exposure time is : (ExpTime x Loops x Dither Positions x 2) seconds
6.3 Observing Flux Standards
- Open ObjectList Window by clicking File in Telescope Control Window, click File, select 'ir_standards.objects', and click Open
- In ObjectList Window highlight star and click SendTo
- Ask NA to slew telescope
- In Camera Control Window, set ObjType=standard, Object="Star name", Chip=All
- Set equinox to 2000 in Telescope Control Window
- In Telescope Control Window click Zero before starting the loop and select dx=192 and dy=192
- In Telescope Control Window click NE to move object to Chip 2
- In Camera Control Window select Filter, ExpTime and Loops=3 according to
- Jc = 5 sec
- Hc = 5 sec
- Ks = 5 sec
- In Camera Control Window select Macro=pmc2_1_5
- In Camera Control Window click EXECUTE to begin exposure
7. Dome flats
- Ask NA to turn ON quartz light at the platform and adjust voltage (see table below)
- In Camera Control Window set ExpTime, Filter, ObjType=dflat, Loops=15, object to "Dome Flat"
- Start sequence with GO botton
- After taking sequence turn lamp OFF and take a sequence of 15 darks. Repeat the ON-OFF sequence for each filter.
- Lamp voltage and exposure times:
- Jc: 5 sec (10000 cts/pixel) voltage=300
- Hc: 5 sec (15000 cts/pixel) voltage=300
- Ks: 5 sec (16000 cts/pixel) voltage=280