C40/CCD Observing Procedures
Initializing systems
- 1. Update UT in DATA PC (located in light blue rack)
- Username: root
- Password: check label on monitor
- Type 'date -z0'
- Type 'date -d0'
- Type 'date yyyymmddhhmm.ss'
- Type 'date' (to confirm entry)
- Type 'exit'
- 2. Start CCD Control Window in Data Acquisition Computer (Henrietta)
- login: obs40
- password: check label on monitor
- cd /export/data1/obs40/ccd_data/mario/
- mkdir 20020914_15 (e.g.)
- cd 20020914_15
- cp ../filter.names . (or edit file with 6 filter names)
- ccd (opens CCD control window)
- before the CCD control window appears you have to select 4 parameters from the menu:
- On the CCD control window select Gain 3
- On the CCD control window select Subraster and enter the following values
- 824 2024
- 1378 2578
- Click Apply
- Click Done
- Open an IRAF window and change to the recently created directory (20020914_15)
- Set uparm=/export/data1/obs40/ccd_data/mario/uparm/
- Open XImtool
- 3. Activate Telescope
- Turn console ON (rotate key)
- Turn Power ON
- Set Focus to 27.0
- Check that platform is clear and in TCC-Guider PC, type 'COVER' (telescope will slew south)
- Go to the platform, raise platform, and remove the telescope cover
- Lower platform
- 4. Initiate Guider
- Bring telescope to the zenith
- From any window in Henrietta computer type command 'rgdr', which will open guider window
- A new window will appear where you need to enter -96 in X box and 2076 in Y box (next to GOTO box)
- Click PARK before taking calibrations
- Turn OFF platform lights from console
- Set focus value to 27.20 (upward) before taking flats
- In TCC-Guider PC, type 'DOMEFLAT' to slew telescope to white screen
- Turn ON quartz light from grey box over lightblue rack and adjust voltage to 900 units
- Check that lamps are pointing to the white screen and make sure that the illumination of the screen is truly uniform
- In 'ccd' window set exposure time, filter, Loop to 7, Imtype to flat, and object to "Dome Flat"
- Exposure times:
- B: 120 sec (10000 cts/pixel)
- V: 20 sec (8000 cts/pixel)
- R: 10 sec (15000 cts/pixel)
- I: 5 sec (12000 cts/pixel)
- Start sequence with START botton
- When the sequence of flats is complete turn OFF quartz lamp on grey box
- In 'ccd' window set exposure time to 0, Loop to 10, Imtype to zero, and object to "Bias"
- Start sequence with START botton
- Turn OFF quartz light from grey box over lightblue rack
Opening dome, and Preparing Telescope Control System (TCS)
Before sunset you must do the following:
- Turn ON fans in adjacent room (turn ON switch and set reostat near maximum value)
- Push OBTURADOR on console to open shutter
- Push PANTALLA on console to lower windscreen
- Push ASENCION RECTA on console to turn ON tracking
- In TCC-Guider PC, type 'DOME AUTO' to activate dome rotation
- In TCC-Guider PC, type 'TP' to activate telescope pointing model (this is not necessary if the model is already activated; check the TCS screen)
- In TCC-Guider PC, type 'MP 2002.5' to set the coordinate epoch
- In TCC-Guider PC, type 'roff -25.65' and 'doff -229.05'
- Turn on power of guiding camera in lightblue rack, and turn OFF 'bright' button
At sunset you must begin taking sky flats:
- SLEW telescope to the East
- In TCC-Guider PC, type DBB 20 (set step to 20 arcsec)
- In 'ccd' window set exptime to 3 (minimum), choose U filter, set Imtype to flat, and object to "Sky Flat"
- Start exposure with START botton
- After completing the exposure in TCC-Guider PC, type SS to slew telescope south by 20 arcsec
- Take 5 frames per filter with exposures longer than 5 sec and never exceeding 28000 adu.
Telescope Zero-Point
- In TCC-Guider PC, type RA hh mm ss.ss, and DEC dd mm ss (ccordinates of a bright star near the zenith)
- In TCC-Guider PC, use the SLEW command to slew the telescope to the desired position
- In 'gdr' window click CENTERFIELD; You should see the bright star in the guider field of view
- Use the paddle to bring the star to the red cross and focus guider camera
- In TCC-Guider PC, type CSET to zero-point the telescope
Focusing the Telescope
- Point to a 10th magnitude star
- Click PARK in 'gdr' window
- In 'ccd' window click OFF next to subraster (the full CCD will be read), set exptime to 10, Loop to 7, filter=V
- Use focus bottons to set focus reading to 0 in box located above console (always moving upward)
- In 'ccd' window click FOCUS to start first exposure of 10 seconds
- Once the first exposure is complete increase focus by 50 units and click on FOCUS again.
- Complete sequence of 7 exposures
- In IRAF window display image 'focus'
- On console set the focus to the best value
- Don't forget to enable the subraster in the 'ccd' window (click ON)
Using the guider
- Use TCC to SLEW telescope to your target
- In 'gdr' window click CENTERFIELD. You should see the target.
- Use the paddle to move the target to the red cross (the object should be at the center of the CCD frame)
- In 'gdr' window click PARK to remove guider from the field of view of the CCD
- In 'gdr' window turn ON the KEYPAD and use arrows to move the guider around until you find a guiding star
- In "GUIDER" enter the parameters of the camera (check sheet)
- On the TCS keyboard you can use the arrows to move the white box and put it on the guiding star
- On the TCS use F3 to activate guider
- On the TCS use F1 to de-activate guider
- In 'ccd' window set Imtype to object, select exptime, and filter
- Check exposure times here.
- Don't forget to apply focus offset for the selected filter
- U: +0.04
- B: +0.14
- V: 0.00
- R: +0.13
- I: 0.00
- T2: -0.35
- Turn ON guider (F3)
- In 'ccd' window use START to begin exposure
- Turn OFF guider (F1)
Closing the Telescope
- Turn OFF power of guiding camera in lightblue rack
- Push OBTURADOR on console to close shutter
- Push PANTALLA on console to raise windscreen
- Push ASENCION RECTA on console to turn OFF tracking
- In TCC-Guider PC, type 'DOME IDLE' to de-activate dome rotation
- In TCC-Guider PC, type 'DOME PARK' to park dome to the south
- In TCC-Guider PC, type 'COVER' (telescope will slew south)
- Go to the platform, raise platform, and put on the telescope cover
- Lower platform
- Turn OFF fans in adjacent room (turn OFF switch and set reostat to zero)
- In TCC-Guider PC, type 'ZENITH' (telescope will slew to the zenith)
- Turn Power OFF on console
- Turn console OFF (rotate key)
- Turn OFF monitors in control room
- In 'gdr' window click CENTERFIELD
- Fill out Night Report here
- You can go party now