C40/IRC Observing Procedures
Initializing systems
- 1. Update UT in DATA PC (located in light blue rack)
- Username: root
- Password: check label on monitor
- Type 'date -z0'
- Type 'date -d0'
- Type 'date yyyymmddhhmm.ss'
- Type 'date' (to confirm entry)
- Type 'exit'
- Update UT in TCC: type UT hh mm ss
- 2. Start CCD Control Window in Data Acquisition Computer (Henrietta)
- login: obs40
- password: check label on monitor
- cd /export/data1/obs40/ir_data/mario/
- mkdir 20020914_15 (e.g.)
- cd 20020914_15
- rnic (opens IRC control window) (Note: if GUI comes up as a big blank blue rectangle, this could be because Netscape
has used up key parts of the color table. Kill all Netscapes and try again.)
- Open an IRAF window and change to the recently created directory (20020914_15)
- Open XImtool
- 3. Activate Telescope
- Turn console ON (rotate key)
- Turn Power ON
- Set Focus to 23.0 (upward)
- Check that platform is clear and in TCC-Guider PC, type 'COVER' (telescope will slew south)
- Go to the platform, raise platform, and remove the telescope cover
- Lower platform
- 4. Initiate Guider
- Bring telescope to the zenith
- From any window in Henrietta computer type command 'rgdr', which will open guider window
- A new window will appear where you need to enter +33 in X box and +1878 in Y box (next to GOTO box)
- Click PARK before taking calibrations
- Check that lamps are pointing to the white screen
- Turn OFF platform lights from console
- Set focus value to 23.00 (upward) before taking flats
- In TCC-Guider PC, type 'DOMEFLAT' to slew telescope to white screen
- Turn ON quartz light from grey box over lightblue rack and adjust voltage to 900 units
- In 'nic' window set exposure time, filter, Loop to 10, and object to "Dome Flat"
- Exposure times:
- X: xx sec (xxxx cts/pixel)
- Js: xx sec (xxxx cts/pixel)
- H: xx sec (xxxx cts/pixel)
- Ks: xx sec (xxxx cts/pixel)
- Start sequence with START botton
- When the sequence of flats is complete turn OFF quartz lamp on grey box
Opening dome, and Preparing Telescope Control System (TCS)
Before sunset you must do the following:
- Turn ON fans in adjacent room (turn ON switch and set reostat near maximum value)
- Push OBTURADOR on console to open shutter
- Push PANTALLA on console to lower windscreen
- Push ASENCION RECTA on console to turn ON tracking
- In TCC-Guider PC, type 'DOME AUTO' to activate dome rotation
- In TCC-Guider PC, type 'TP' to activate telescope pointing model
- In TCC-Guider PC, type 'MP 2002.5' to set the coordinate epoch
- In TCC-Guider PC, type 'roff -0.37' and 'doff -252.57'
- Turn on power of guiding camera in lightblue rack, and turn OFF 'bright' button
At sunset you must begin taking sky flats:
- Click PARK before taking calibrations
- SLEW telescope to the East
- In TCC-Guider PC, type DBB 20 (set step to 20 arcsec)
- In 'nic' window set exptime to 3, choose filter, and object to "Sky Flat"
- Start exposure with START botton
- After completing the exposure in TCC-Guider PC, type SS to slew telescope south by 20 arcsec
- Take 5 frames per filter with exposures longer than 5 sec between 2000-6000 adu.
Telescope Zero-Point
- In TCC-Guider PC, type RA hh mm ss.ss, and DEC dd mm ss (coordinates of a bright star near the zenith)
- In TCC-Guider PC, use the SLEW command to slew the telescope to the desired position
- In 'gdr' window click CENTERFIELD; You should see the bright star in the guider field of view
- Use the paddle to bring the star to the red cross and focus guider camera
- In TCC-Guider PC, type CSET to zero-point the telescope
Focusing the Telescope
- Point to a 10th magnitude star
- Click PARK in 'gdr' window
- In 'nic' window, set exptime to 10, Loop to 1, filter=Js
- Use focus bottons to set focus reading to 22.7 (always moving upward)
- In 'nic' window click START to start first exposure of 10 seconds
- In IRAF window display image and examine star's profile
- Once the first exposure is complete increase focus by 0.10 units and click on START again.
- Stop once focus begins to get worse
- On console set the focus to the best value
Using the guider
- Use TCC to SLEW telescope to your target (If you enter an RA and DEC and type SLEW and the telescope
goes nowhere, try hitting the escape on the TCC keyboard. This may cancel a previous move command that never
finished and the telescope may zoom off to your desired location on the sky.)
- In 'gdr' window click CENTERFIELD. You should see the target.
- Use the paddle to move the target to the red cross (the object should be at the center of the detector frame)
- In 'gdr' window enter x,y coordinates of guiding star (from gmap) and click GOTO. Use arrows to move the guider around until you center the star.
- On the TCS keyboard you can use the arrows to move the white box and put it on the guiding star
- On the TCS use F3 to activate guider
- On the TCS use F1 to de-activate guider
- In 'nic' window, select exptime, Loop, Object name, and filter
- In 'nic' window use START to begin exposure
Closing the Telescope
- Turn OFF power of guiding camera in lightblue rack
- Push OBTURADOR on console to close shutter
- Push PANTALLA on console to raise windscreen
- Push ASENCION RECTA on console to turn OFF tracking
- In TCC-Guider PC, type 'DOME IDLE' to de-activate dome rotation
- In TCC-Guider PC, type 'DOME PARK' to park dome to the south
- In TCC-Guider PC, type 'COVER' (telescope will slew south)
- Go to the platform, raise platform, and put on the telescope cover
- Lower platform
- Turn OFF fans in adjacent room (turn OFF switch and set reostat to zero)
- In TCC-Guider PC, type 'ZENITH' (telescope will slew to the zenith)
- Turn Power OFF on console
- Turn console OFF (rotate key)
- Turn OFF monitors in control room
- In 'gdr' window click CENTERFIELD
- Fill out Night Report here
- You can go party now