MI/LDSS2 Observing Procedures
1. Accessing Data Acquisition Computer (LLama)
- Username: obsmag1b
- Password: check with the staff
- Open an xterm window
- cd /home/obsmag1b/data
- mkdir 20020914_15 (e.g.)
- cd 20020914_15
2. Start Detector Control Window in LLama
- From xterm window type 'ccd' to open detector control window
- Before the CCD control window appears you have to select 4 parameters from the menu:
- LDSS-2
- Site1
- 16
- magellan1
- On the CCD control window select Gain 1
- On the CCD control window select Subraster and enter the following values:
- 1 2048 380 1620
- Save spectra.subr
- Apply
- Done
- Open an IRAF window and go to the recently created directory (20020914_15)
- Load the 'ldss2' package twice
- Open XImtool
3. Open Flat Field Screen Lamp Window
- From any window type 'ffs' to open Flat Field Screen Lamp Window
- From any window type 'ldss2' to open Filter Window
4. Prepare filter list
- In filter window use right button to edit filter file, aperture file, and grism file
5. Dome Flats
- Start by taking a 5 sec exposure of the mask and measure the center (xs,ys)
- In Flat Field Screen Lamp Window click IN to move screen into place, click He and Ar, and take a 2-sec arc to check that the He and Ar lamps are working and that the spectral lines are aligned with the columns
- Turn ON quartz light at the platform and adjust voltage
- Turn OFF platform lights
- In Flat Field Screen Lamp Window click IN to move screen into place
- In filter window set Filter, Aperture, Grism
- In CCD window set exposure time and object to "Dome Flat"
- Exposure times:
- 1.03" slit (355u): 10 sec (voltage=3.0) (after sunset to avoid sunlight)
- 3.50" slit (1200): 5 sec (voltage=3.0) (after sunset to avoid sunlight)
- PV: 7 sec (voltage=1.5)
- PB: 10 sec (voltage=1.5)
- PR: 4 sec (voltage=1.5)
- Start sequence with START botton
- When the sequence of flats is complete turn OFF quartz lamp
- In Flat Field Screen Lamp Window click OUT to move screen into place
- Take a sequence of bias frames (Set Exptime=0, Imtype=zero)
6. Skyflats
At sunset you must take sky flats for direct imaging:
- SLEW telescope to the East
- In CCD window set exptime to 5 (minimum), object to "Dome Flat", Filter=PB, Aperture=Open, Grism=Open
- Start exposure with START botton
- After completing the exposure slew telescope by 20 arcsec (in any direction)
- Take 5 frames per filter with exposures longer than 5 sec and never exceeding 28000 adu
- Take a sequence with PV filter, and then PR
7. Observing
- Use 'ldss_pangle' to determine paralagtic angle and ask the NA to set the rotator angle
- In filter window set Filter=PV, Aperture=Open, Grism=Open
- Take direct image of the field
- Take a short exposure of the slit and measure (xs,ys)
- Edit parameters for 'cobject' and enter (xs,ys)
- Run 'cobject'. You will have to mark object (space bar or 'm') and offset the telescope
- In filter window set Filter=Open, Aperture=slit, Grism=Medium-Blue
- In CCD window set exposure time, object to "object name", and click START to begin exposure
- To take arc lamp click IN to move screen into place, click He and Ar, and take a 2-sec arc exposure (don't forget to remind the NA to disable guider)
- Click OUT to move screen into place, and click He and Ar to turn OFF the lamps
- If you want to take a B direct image, ask the NA to increase the
telescope focus by 6 units
8. Before going to bed